Thursday, January 31, 2013

Templates Download Unicorn ? Multipurpose Retina Ready WP Theme

Themes Download WordPress Corporate Unicorn ? Multipurpose Retina Ready WP Theme

Introducing Unicorn!

Sick and tired of faceless WordPress themes? Looking for minimalist design done the right way? Need a unique multipurpose theme that is fully responsive, retina-ready and optimized for mobile devices; with beautiful minimalist design, impressive set of features and power to customize every aspect of its layout and appearance? And do all that in only a couple of clicks? Then search no further: Unicorn is created specially for you!

Unicorn is powerful multipurpose theme that will help you to build practically any site: from big corporate sites with catalog of products to studio sites with portfolio, photo albums and video gallery; business, technology, creative studio, photography… anything that you can imagine!

What sets Unicorn apart from its competitors:

Beautiful minimalist design. Ultimate set of tools for theme customizations. 10 gorgeous skins “out of the box”. Customize literally everything – starting from page backgrounds and small color accents to font size, color and font-family. Moreover you can customize background of every page individually! No coding skills required.

Responsive. Retina-ready (all images except OneByOne slider). Optimized for mobile devices. From this moment on, you do not need to choose between responsive theme and beautiful one! Unicorn is beautiful and responsive. Nuff said.

Revolutionary layout builder. No more mess with shortcodes or another complicated interface! Build complex layouts directly from the WYSIWYG. Play with it for 10 minutes – and you’ll be amazed how easy and natural it is!

Display any type of content in 3 clicks with preset page templates. Philosophy behind page templates in Unicorn is simple: create a page, choose appropriate page template, and click “publish”. That’s it – page is ready! Need to fine-tune the content output? Take advantage of the rich and intuitive set of advanced options.

Premium class support for free. Faced a problem? – No worries. Our customer support service is always there to help you. Get your problem resolved within 24 hours*.

Advanced users and webmasters will be pleased to know that all PSD files, required for deep theme customization are included. Furthermore, dummy content is also included to the theme package.

AND it is iPad mini ready! ;)

Features list:

  • Powerful theme customization tools: customize everything via simple and intuitive interface in your admin panel.
  • 10 amazing skins for different purposes included.
  • Fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices + convenient mobile menu (tested on all actual iOS devices and Android 4.1 Nexus 7).
  • Retina displays ready (and extensively tested on rmbp). Retina images can be enabled/disabled in 2 clicks via admin panel.
  • SEO friendly
  • Unlimited number of page layouts with revolutionary layout builder. Create custom layout with only couple of clicks in your .
  • Responsive fullscreen slideshow – photographers and anyone who needs showcase-style pages will fall in love with it!
  • 5 awesome sliders highly customized for Unicorn: Nivo, Photo Stack, jFancyTile, Carousel, OneByOne.
  • Create pages for different types of content in 3 clicks: create page, select template and hit “publish”. Boom, your page is already there! No additional setup required.
  • Custom post types to store different types of your content: slideshows; photo albums; portfolio; video; team; benefits; testimonials; partners, clients, etc.
  • Ajax filtering for portfolio, photo albums, catalog, photo and video gallery.
  • 8 layouts (4 with sidebar + 4 full-width) for Portfolio and Photo Albums (two-levels gallery).
  • 4 layouts for Photo and Video Gallery.
  • Changable image height in portfolio and gallery!
  • 17 page templates:
    page with slideshow (5 slideshows; with sidebar and full-width layout);
    page with OneByOne Slider (with sidebar, full-width and with blog);
    portfolio (with sidebar and full-width);
    photo albums (with sidebar and full-width);
    photo gallery (with sidebar and full-width);
    video gallery (with sidebar and full-width);
    page with blog and slider (homepage with blogroll);
    blank page (with sidebar and full-width).
  • Password protected posts in Blog, Photo Albums, Portfolio, Photo and Video Gallery.
  • Unlimited widget areas.
  • Translation ready. Supports WPML.
  • 19 custom widgets.
  • 24 custom shortcodes with wide range of settings.
  • Lots of social icons.
  • Like buttons in blog, portfolio and catalog posts, photo albums and video gallery.
  • Mobile layout settings: mobile logo, enable/disable widget areas and some background elements.
  • PSD files for all skins included.


A grate theme. It’s perfect for reuse, easily editable and file and code organization is very good. Money well spent. My compliments. bart1208

GRT WORK !! Gorgeous on all levels (even mobile Amazing!) sterlingwilliam

Excellent job on this! It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. Super easy to use and offers a lot of options out of the box. Good luck with sales! drivenbypassion

WOW , Guess who just saw a New FAV WP THEME ?!! Really amazing/smooth/modern/beautiful and GRT on iphone looks like too (whew, glad you have Smooth dropdown menu, even on top notch themes, some designers have older school popout menu bar on mobile view) Was going to ask if compatible with Woocommerce for selling few products but see above YES … sterlingwilliam

Love this piece of work ! Five stars ! linuskristensen

I’m writing a comment after a long time, nice theme really:) wishes best sales for you… Regards, Codestar

One of the best themes I’ve seen. Congrats. sbaghomian

Great design ! Especially I liked the color harmony. You are a great inspiration for me !< retinalsin

This theme looks so sharp on rMBP – excellent work:) OllieMcCarthy

Need some help?

Support Portal Knowledgebase Support Policy

Faced a problem? No worries – our premium class customer support service is always ready to help you.

Support requests are being processed on business days from 8:00 to 17:00 (GMT 0.0) [normally] within 24h in the order they were received.

Please note that the fastest way to obtain support is to submit a request via our online Help Desk: Requests received via themeforest comments and personal messages, email, Twitter or FaceBook will take much longer time to process or can be not addressed at all!

Check out our featured WordPress Themes:

PressMate: remarkably capable, incredibly simple PurePress - responsive & retina-ready portfolio WordPress theme
Nimble – Multipurpose Retina Ready WordPress Theme Cardamon WP – Multiporpouse WordPress Theme
Chocolate WP – Creative / Photography WordPress Theme Slash WP – Creative / Photography WordPress Theme
Depth - Full-Screen AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme Unicorn - Multipurpose Retina Ready WP Theme

Templates Review PokeRoost - Retina Ready Responsive Poker Theme

Themeforest Review WordPress News / Editorial PokeRoost - Retina Ready Responsive Poker Theme

Version 1.0.1 released

WordPress 3.5 compatible – December 14th, 2012

pokeroost grinders magazine

PokeRoost is a powerful, responsive, retina ready news magazine. It’s packed with useful poker pages & widgets for a poker magazine but it has all you need for any other kind of news magazine.

It is bootstrap compatible and looks as good on mobile devices as you see it on your pc.

Fluid Layout

Percents instead of pixels.

The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. It has the same responsive capabilities as our fixed grid system, ensuring proper proportions for key screen resolutions and devices.

responsive fluid and boxed design


Made for everyone.

Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.

based on bootstrap

Retina Ready

Makes everything look crisp and more lifelike.

Text is razor sharp. Colors are vibrant. Photos and video are rich with detail.

retina ready demo

Page Builder

Just drag’n’drop.

A number of useful block elements.

The Page Builder makes it a one-click job to configure your layout structure, and page content.

With an easy-to-use drag and drop drop interface you can add unlimited number of layout elements, configure their presentation – as each element comes with its specific options to play with. Resize each element to make it display as a single to four columned element on the layout. You can configure a more generalized look of your website from the Theme Options panel. This will affect all pages on your website. If you want dig deeper into customization – no problem. You can define the layout structure for yout Portfolio and Blog pages from the Theme Options panel as well.

But if you want to be really specific – the page builder is available while editing each single page – you can create a unique look of your website and pages.

Skin Manager

Save all your style settings.

Not happy with the results? Not a problem! Create a new skin and test there. Revert to the previous skin, create a new one modify again and save – as simple as that!

Font Manager

Over 500 fonts.

The font manager lets you choose from a predefined common set of font combinations suitable for most browsers, or choose from the rich Google Web Font directory.

Shortcode Editor

Sidebar Manager

layout manager demo

Again … drag’n’drop.

Different sidebars for different pages. Once you set the sidebar combinations you’ll need, you could easily manage them.

With the Layout Manager incorporated with the Page Builder you can easily change the layout structure of any single page – choose between one sidebar – left or right – two sidebars, or no sidebars at all.

You can set general layout structure from the advanced Theme Options page within the admin panel. This will affect the whole look of your site without you having to bother about per-page modifications if you don’t want to.

The advanced Page Builder gives you the power to create unlimited sidebars and assign them to any single page. Again – if you do not want to bother customizing every page – the generalized hierarchy structure of layout loading will ensure that pages inherit parent structures if none is specified.

You can easily assign the sidebars dragging them to the specific positions in the builder (left or right) – and they will appear in the Widgets Admin area. Include various widgets to that suit the needs of the particular page.

Background Manager

background manager demo

Make unique look of your website with the advanced Background Manager. The layered structure of the layout combined with the limitless possibilities of backgrounds and colors makes it easy to create various visual effects – such as inner shadows, background textures and colors for each layer.

Each layout component (such as the header for example) supports up to 7 background images you can play with. And this is not limited to html5 only! Even your IE8 and below users can have unique experience visiting you site

Until now it was very hard to create the inner shadow effect on IE. Well, with the Background Manager you can easily do this. Select 4 gradient images (two oriented vertically and two horizontally). Make the first be position top-left and repeat vertically. The second – top-left and repeat horizontally. Do the opposite for the remaining two images – and you have the inner shadow effect! Now add a repeating texture background for the layer with opacity – add background color – and you have unique design for your layout!

Texture Manager

texture manager demo

The theme comes pre-packed with a number of background patterns to choose from. Each pattern comes with light and dark version, and 4-step opacity variations – .25, .5, .75, 1. This library has the potential to grow. You can even add your own background patterns – just need to follow the naming conventions.

Poker Hands History

An useful post format for all grinders.

Custom WordPress post format. Full responsive CSS3 poker hands history.

Events Page

Calendar and list view