Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Themes Download Kreativ One - Responsive WP OnePage Portfolio

Themes Download WordPress Portfolio Kreativ One - Responsive WP OnePage Portfolio

Kreativ One – Responsive OnePage Portfolio

Kreativ One is a modern and simple onepage portfolio wordpress theme. It focuses on easy of use while still displaying a lot of useful information and images. It fits perfect within every profession. Last but not least; it is responsive, meaning it adapts to the visitors device, and can thereby easily be viewed on the go.

Try it on your smartphone:


  • Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Design
  • Over 70 fonts to choose from
  • Extremely easy to style
  • AJAX Contact form
  • Sleek and fluid animations
  • Lightbox gallery
  • Google Maps integration


 14 september / 2012 - version 2.1 * Fixed an issue with menu fixed positioning on iPad. * Other minor bugs fixed.  10 september / 2012 - version 2.0 * Optimizing for tablet and mobile devices * Added lots of shortcode features * New and optimized portfolio * Portfolio now supports both vimeo and youtube video * Added 'Toggle' and 'Accordion' feature * Fixed an issue when adding images to slider  30 august / 2012 - version 1.1.2 * Fixed and issue with menu on devices in landscape mode  21 august / 2012 - version 1.1.1 * Fixed an issue with iOS devices not showing 'Contact send button' probably * Fixed an issue with 'Pages' not updating titles  20 august / 2012 - version 1.1 * Added the option to add a footer. Simply go to 'Appearance -> Widgets' * Fixed a problem with Quicksand and FancyBox * Bug fixes  16 august / 2012 - version 1.0.1 * Minor bug fixes * Reduced the space between each section.  14 august / 2012 - Initial release 

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