This is a template that can be used by designers, artists and any other creatives. It can of course be used as a company page as well with the right content.
It is the ideal template to showcase a couple of works, product photos and such, at least untill you put together a more solid portfolio or need place for more content and navigation. We wanted to keep things simple, without any fancy stuff, just something you can quickly put together and place on your site. Thumbs open larger picture in lightbox gallery, however you can edit them to open links instead, no problem.
It includes 7 skins that have many differences, not just colors: classic black, vintage/retro brown, sky blue, multicolor stripes (our favorite), satin white, aqua blue, and plain white. With these skins we’re hoping to cover most peoples general wishes, however you can then play with the colors yourself and come up with your own theme colors.
We have used sIFR in the template so that it is easy to change the text and still keep custom fonts, however if you want you can replace them with pictures so that you can have the gradients, shadows, reflections etc. that you will find in the .psd files included in this template.
Tableless CSS coding, cross-browser compatible and very stylish. Impress your customers today !
The template includes all page .psd files with slices and should be easy to customise with medium knowledge of Photoshop and CSS .
Support only on the Single Page Portfolio 01 with 7 Skins Support Forum
Here are some of our interesting works on themeforest :
Featured Product
Custom CMS Complete Templates (with Admin Panel)
Admin Templates
Creative Portfolio Templates
Site Templates
Coming Soon Placeholder Templates
PSD Templates
Don’t forget to check out our ActiveDen Profile.
TAGS : single page | portfolio | folio | artist | designer | programmer | coder | portofolio | showcase | design | gallery | slick | hot | sexy | modern | web 2.0 | amazing | wow | blue | white | black | grey | smooth | slide

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